Saturday, January 25, 2014

Dark Matter, Dark Energy and the Big Bang

Not being constrained by the errors induced in the dyfunctional mathematical model that approximates but fails to converge on a General Theory simultaneously with Quantum theory, I propose the following, though it is probable that these ideas have all been proposed elsewhere, I have not been exposed to them to the best of my knowledge. 1. Quantum Entanglement is nothing less than a wormhole between two small entities 2. The visible Universe, with its clumpy appearance can be compared to the near field of a radio frequency emission. Where the far field equivalent of the universe represents a uniform organization of matter-energy such that it appears 'empty'. 3. The far field of the universe contains the majority of the total matter, or dark matter 4. The dark matter in the far field of the universe gravitationally tugs on the near field matter accounting for an acceleration of the near field matter outward, currently described as dark energy. It is noteworthy that this would also explain why matter toward the edge of the near field universe is accelerating at a rate faster than matter toward the middle of the near field universe. 5. The cause of the Big Bang, a thought experiment. A sufficiently large black hole, far larger than a super massive black hole, or hyper black hole, fed on the matter of a universe. Like all things in the universe it spins, but the force of gravity competes with the centrifugal force. When sufficient mass and gravitational condensation converge, (perhaps when the surface of the hyper black hole achieves a rotational speed at its surface equal to the speed of light) a perfect balance is reached between the centrifugal force and the gravitational force. With the least of hawking radiation, balance is now lost and a swing toward centrifugal force is achieved resulting in the sudden decomposition of the hyper black hole. Matter flying away from the surface of the hyper black hole drags away matter in centrifugal equilibrium, resulting in an ejecta en mass from the hyper black hole that in a chain reaction gravitationally pulls apart the hyper black hole.


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