The Woes of Social Security
The Woes of Social Security
Perhaps the reason humans fear change so much is documented in the story of Pandora’s box. As Pandora sought the newness of the contents of a box, she discovered not only the good (hope), but the bad as well. Such is the nature of change, and the greater the change, the greater the capacity for good and bad to be had from it.
Many are familiar with the virtues of Social Security and also with the challenges of solvency. Here I ever so briefly outline a couple of more gaping side effects of Social Security rarely if ever mentioned. Just considerations really, not counterbalanced with life before SS…
Social Security has been a significant driver of the separation of the grandparents from the grandchildren, resulting in a breakdown in the flow of wisdom (how to act as a part of a successful civilization) through the generations. This is a blight on our society that results in the likes of Donald Trump and Jack Welch being held up as icons of success, even when they are failures in lifestyles that successful civilizations are made of: trust based relationships.
Another side effect of removing the grandparents from the traditional family home is the removal of a built-in parent support mechanism. The effect of which is enormous additional obligation on the parents, who now have to raise their kids without the aid of grandparents. I believe the stress of raising children in the absence of familial support has dramatically increased the divorce rate as parents fail to cope with raising a family without the blessings of a grandparent for support.
Finally, and also a tragedy, many Americans have been robbed of charity. Traditionally Americans have been a charitable people. I believe our charity has given us both great strength and earned us much support both within and without our borders. The act of dropping a dollar into the Salvation Army bucket warmed the heart of the donor, and sensitized the donor to the conditions of the poor, and to recognize his or her own circumstances. Sadly, as Social Security taxes have increased, many feel it is the role of Social Security to care for the poor, and in any case we all give so much to Social Security, there is no need to put a dollar in the bucket. In making such a choice, one is robbed of the blessings of charity. And now, stores like Target are removing the buckets, even for those few who would still be charitable.
You butthead, who do you think you are with your bizzare ideas.
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