Saturday, October 09, 2004

How to Solve the Rising Cost of Health Care

Here we go...

1. End the monopoly of the American Medical Association. The AMA controls nearly all the medical practrice in the US. Therefore they control the cost of medicine - such that Doctors tend to be far wealthier than the patients they serve. We busted up Standrard Oil and AT&T, let's bust up the AMA.

2. It's OK to die! So, the Japanese went a little overboard in WWII, they've learned better now. Keep this in mind... the Government wants you alive so they can tax you. Big business wants you alive so they can sell stuff to you. The AMA wants you alive and unhealthy so they can bill you. The drug companies want you alive so they can slowly poison you. God and/or nature doesn't mind at all if you die, in fact that's the plan. It's OK to die.

3. Raise the deductibles... if I actually have to pay for the expensive medicine, I may opt out of the treatment.

4. Remember that 30 years ago there were almost no prescription drugs (relatively speaking) yet mankind still managed to create the subsequent generations.

5. Make medical school a two year program...

6. Truckers can only drive 12 hours a day... the Intern operating on your brain has been up for 30 hours straight! I think we can get 72 hours out of 'em with a little bit more coffee.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Talk of privatizing social security is heartening. It's about time people are weaned from the mommy state. But politicians are schizophrenic enough to sign medical care into the public sector on the same day.
— the antiseptic skeptic

10:07 PM  

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